Quick Bid

Fast and Accurate Estimation Software

Put Quick Bid® to work for you to increase your estimating accuracy in a fraction of the time it takes manually. Accelerate your bid estimation process, submit more bids, in professional packages, and win more profitable projects.

SALES: 1-866-386-5177

Support: 1-866-689-5687

Which software is most commonly used for estimating?

Quick Bid® is a premier construction estimating tool commonly used by general contractors and professionals of all trades. It sharpens the accuracy of your bids so you can compete for more jobs.

Quick Bid can also integrate with the newest version of On-Screen Takeoff®, allowing you to reduce errors and save time estimating your projects.

How do you estimate a construction project?

Estimating a construction project involves the use of the best estimating software for construction, like Quick Bid, to compile itemized costs, labor rates, change orders, and materials.

Some of Quick Bid’s other key features include:

  • eQuotes for timely cost quotes from suppliers
  • Powerful and accurate calculations for job cost estimates
  • An easy-to-read Bid Navigator, to manage all aspects of your bid

How can I ensure an accurate construction estimate for my project?

You can ensure accurate construction estimates for your projects with Quick Bid, which compiles itemized costs, labor production, change orders, overhead/profit, and materials to precisely predict the cost of a job and avoid bidding too low or too high.

Included in QuickBid are:

  • Accounting-friendly templates so you can export important data for job costing .
  • Access to specialty items, assemblies, and other bidding information from top manufacturers.
  • Professional reports and proposals that can be customized with your company logo.

Quick Bid is the most accurate construction estimating tool online, ensuring you always have an exact estimate readily available for your bidding projects

For a construction project cost estimating example, check out the below screenshots of Quick Bid in action.:

Product Screen Shots